This final ICT 5th Form web page will be divided up into 10 weeks (5 this term and 5 next term)
BBC Revision Site:
GENERIC MOCK PAPERS : (see below for OCR past papers)
Then click "Start Download" - if you do not have MS Word and cannot download this file then scroll to the very bottom and you can read a simple text version:
For "Advantages and Disadvantages of Everything" text document CLICK HERE.
Or Click here if the above fails: EVERYTHING and FEEDBACK
You IEMS is now available here: Click Here for your Individual Electronic Mark Sheet
For past notes and links on previous pages please CLICK HERE.
For current links to Files and Folders (Implementation onwards) please CLICK HERE.
PROJECT 1a and 1b APPOINTMENTS - the work has been looked at but there seems on the whole to be sections missing - some have most of it there and it just needs to be tweaked, and others have a lot missing. The only way to deal with such a variety of issues is to have lunch time appointments - 4 scholars maximum per lunch every day, FIRST COME FIRST SERVE. We we will only have until Monday 19th to hold these appointments and a wee bit longer to sort it all. Fortunately, your past teachers have mark sheets so this will help.
First come first serve from Tuesday 13th April from 13:30pm every lunch and after school on Friday for those who need more help.
The first Saturday we are back Session One will be for those that battle to read the instructions I have provided in the link above - the notes are clear but some may not understand fully - once again, first come first serve - email me with the next 24 hours and I will start recording the list in order of emails received.
FOR PROJECT 1a GENERAL FEEDBACK for EVERYONE please scroll down to where it says PROJECT 1a current 5th form FEEDBACK:
LESSON PLAN OUTLINE - Class Work and Prep for the Summer Term:
Week 1 - Project 2 finalise by Friday 16 April; Project 1a and 1b appointments (some will prepare short theory presentations)
Week 2 - Projects 1a and 1b finalise by Friday 23 April; start Theory Presentations and short theory lessons; give out x2 Past Papers
Week 3 - Theory lessons and another x 2 Past Papers; go through previous past papers handed out in Week 2; Theory Presentations
Week 4 - Theory lessons and go through past papers handed out in Week 3; Theory Presentations
Week 5 - Conclude first lot of Theory Presentations; Theory Lessons
Week 6 - AS much of the same as possible; start second wave of short Theory Presentations
Week 7 - Practice Exam conditions - write and mark
UNIT 1 - June 06
UNIT 2 - June 06
UNIT 1 - Jan 07
UNIT 2 - Jan 07
Your current prep, what is due NEXT WEEK, will always appear at the top:
Prepare you THEORY TOPIC PRESENTATION! Below is the list of those who have chosen their topics:
Each student has been given a theory topic. Working with another student or on their own they will prepare a brief PowerPoint on this topic. It does not have to be a massive undertaking - just two or three slides containing bullet points and some memorable images to help you and the class remember some facts about the topic.
Theory Topic Presentations
DUE Starting 20th April 2010
In each lesson over the next two weeks, 3 or 4 randomly selected scholars will have to present their findings on their chosen topic.
Date givenDate dueWorksheet units
13-Apr-1020-Apr-10Unit 9a
20-Apr-1027-Apr-10Unit 9b, 9c and 9d
27-Apr-1004-May-10Unit 9e
04-May-1011-May-10Unit 10
11-May-1018-May-10Unit 11 & 12a
18-May-1025-May-10Unit 12b, 12c & 12e
25-May-10Before half-term!Unit 13 & 16
Here are the TOPIC CHOICES:
Hardware components of a computer system - ER
Software: definition and examples - GH
Laptops/notebooks, palmtops and other portable systems - OA
Desk-top computers - HW
Input devices: identification/use and advantages/disadvantages of different types - SB
Output devices: identification/use and advantages/disadvantages of different types - OE
The advantages and disadvantages of different types of backing storage media - CV
The importance of backups - JG
The difference between main/internal memory and backing storage - MR
Modems and digital telephone lines - CW
Analogue to digital conversion and digital to analogue conversion - MK
Advantages and disadvantages of using computer networks - HW
User ids and passwords - JF
Communication media - FW
Software copyright - AP
Social effects of ICT - MS
If you name does not appear SELECT A TOPIC FROM THE LIST BELOW!!
Computer Systems: Components and Types of System
Hardware components of a computer system
Software: definition and examples
Laptops/notebooks, palmtops and other portable systems
Desk-top computers
Input devices and Output Devices
Input devices: identification/use and advantages/disadvantages of different types
Output devices: identification/use and advantages/disadvantages of different types
Storage Devices and Media
Backing/Secondary storage devices and media: different types and uses
The advantages and disadvantages of different types of backing storage media
The importance of backups
The difference between main/internal memory and backing storage
Introductory Communications
Modems and digital telephone lines
Analogue to digital conversion and digital to analogue conversion
Advantages and disadvantages of using computer networks
User ids and passwords
Communication media
Data: Types and Terminology
Types of data – alphanumeric/text, numeric (real and integer), date, logical/Boolean
Definition of file, record, field and key field
Information Management and Effects of IT: Legal Issues
Software copyright
Social effects of ICT
Make sure you have your topics chosen by the end of the spring term.
Also, make sure you have at least TWO Past Exam Paper to take away with you over Easter, although they will not be due in until
22nd April 2010.
WEEK 10 -11
Read pages from your text book: 140 - 151
You will be given a test (CGA) based on the questions found on pages 151 and 152
U S E R D O C U M E N T (Due 15th March 2010)
Marks and Notes on how to get those marks:-
2 How the User Doc is structured (e.g. Contents Page)
4 How to Load Database and Systems Requirements
4 How to move through the different screens/sections of the system.
2 Enter, Amend and Save Data - show sample data being entered into user-interface (forms and or tables)
2 How to use the drop-down boxes, which fields are required and which need special attention. (e.g. verification/input masks)
4 How to perform a variety of searches / 'finds' (e.g. searching for a member using Ctrl+'F'); how to view calculations (e.g. working out of overdue books)
5 How to open the Letter Template, ensure the Field Tags are populated and how to PRINT the Letter to send to the correct recipients.
3 How the user can avoid potential problems (e.g. finding the data source again for the Overdue Letter Template)
TOTAL: 30 Points for Evaluation
T E S T I N G (Due 15th March 2010)
Marks and Notes on how to get those marks:-
2 How you tested: describe the types of data
5 Design a User Questionnaire - include BLANK copy (EVALUATION!!)
3 Print out at least THREE User Questionnaires and get three people to use you system and fill them out
2 Send a letter to your client explaining that you have devised a questionnaire and will email the database and letters/labels etc for them to test - state that you will also send along a User guide or they can telephone you to help them use it - ask them "Does it fulfil your initial requirements
2 Make up a letter that has come back from your client saying "Thanks, yes, I will need a better user guide but from what I could see it definitely…"
2 Search number 1
2 Search number 2 OR a Filter/Sort or similar function that shows how a second query works?
4 Validation tested with 3 types of data (Extreme, Normal and Illegal)
4 Second validation/verification/input mask tested with 3 types of data (Extreme, Normal and Illegal)
4 Third vital test testing another field/function/formulae such as the calculation of the Due Date and a Drop-down box, a required field etc (probably ALL of these!)
2 Simple Access report - test PREVIEW and PRINT (evidence x 2 print-outs)
4 MailMerge report - test Letter Template linking to Data Source; test Fields Populated; test PREVIEW and PRINT (evidence x 5 print-outs)
4 MailMerge report - test LABEL Template linking to Data Source; test Fields Populated; test PREVIEW and PRINT (evidence x 5 print-outs)
4 The ORIGINAL User Requirements from your ANALYSIS typed up AND ticked off! (You have already done this so print it out a second time!!
6 THREE Errors that occurred and that you overcame (or did not!)
(50 marks)
State how you found the project - what changes would you make to the way you executed the project?
If you could do it again, how would you go about doing it (e.g. make use of the text book, manage my time in class and at home better, ...)
What changes to the SYSTEM would you make and what recommendation would you make to your client if you had more time to help them build a better system? (See below)
List of EVALUATION Changes and Recommendations
Basically you need to COMPARE your SOLUTION with your client's PROBLEMS and REQUIREMENTS - is it a good solution - which parts could be better and what further changes could you recommend? Criticise your DESIGN stage and your IMPLEMENTATION but also explain how your solution is effective. BOAST about your solution (user-friendly, eliminates human error, looks to the future... careful though, it must be accurate)
1. (a) THIRD table to STORE / record historical data (help with analysing who rents what and can answer the question "Have I seen this DVD?...) and ...
(b) to record MULTIPLE RENTALS! Even if they only allow ONE DVD to be rented per customer, the future may require MULTIPLE RENTAL per Customer - SEE SUB-FORMS if you never made one
2. FOURTH table to store EMPLOYEE data so that manager can know WHO enetred WHAT! (Design the table in Access and PRINT SCREEN it to show you understand what to do and how to do it!!)
3. QUERY to work out the TOTAL money made for each and to work out PROFIT or LOSS from these rentals
4. Hiding back-end and or adding "SECURITY / PRIVILEGE ACCESS RIGHTS" for different levels of user e.g. Developer has full administrative rights (that's me), next level is for the Manager to see WHO has entered the data and how efficiently the system and business is working and the third level down would be for the employee/counter worker who can only INPUT RENTAL
5. Redraw the TABLE RELATIONSHIPS if you decided to add in a new table!
1. SUB-FORM to record and see TOTAL NUMBER of DVDs recorded by ONE CUSTOMER - view all data!!
2. Addition of a form to view/enter/amend data
3. See below for IMPORT ROUTINE
1. BACKUP over network/using Internet to transfer files
2. An ONLINE rental option - 'store-pickup' system whereby DVDs can be reserved online, even paid for and picked up at the store! i.e. the database can be PUBLISHED to the Internet!!
3. An IMPORT ROUTINE (macro button) to import CSV (text) or Spreadsheet files to append NEW RECORDS to the relevant table (DVD table for example) - APPEND QUERY!!
More EVALUATION guidance (points and marks):
5 Bullet points/list about what your system can do (see page 238 of text book)
5 Compare your solution with User's Requirements (Analysis) - you can refer to TESTING evidence (you do not need to copy the same screen shots - just say something like, "Refer to previous page…"
5 Bullet point those features in your Design that have now been doe (or not been done properly) in the solution
5 User's comments - summarise how your user finds your solution - can be a summary of the User Questionnaire and or a LETTER about your system, e.g. "Thank you so much for your database software. We are already using it and we find it … we are looking forward ... "
10 Recommendations: how could you improve the system; if you were to do a similar project again, hw would you do it differently (e.g. "I would definitely stick to deadlines…")
Everyone can heed these points to improve as these were common areas not adequately dealt with or not included at all (apologies for the ¾ of you who did all of the below):
Still far too many of you with NO page numbering and NO Section Titles e.g. IMPLEMENTATION at the start of the Implementation section. The Page Dividers I gave you were for Internal Moderation only – they will be removed so wither make your own or make sure you have clear titles.
Design (about 5 minutes work):
Hardware and Software “Choice of System Justified” – the reasons why some of you have stated as to WHY you chose a Desktop not a laptop are not robust: you could say that a desktop PC has more memory, greater processing power etc etc than a Laptop in the same price range.
H/W and S/W choices - A PC is less likely to be stolen – it’s OK to say this but also mention that it is generally more long-lasting than a laptop and it can feed directly off a main power supply.
Saying that Windows XP is better than a Mac OS is not a reason at all. Macs are now very versatile so be careful. You could say something about buying a Windows Application suite (such as MS Office) which will have packaged with it all the software I need, such as Word processor, Publisher Software and Database Software…. You should not state the Brand Names at the Design stage!!
So why did YOU choose a Windows OS and relating packages and not a Mac or Open Source (Linux) operating system… please state WHY you have gone with the choices you ended up making.
***Most of you could do with highlightinginBOLD the design changes you made and state more clearly WHY you change certain things –you can simply bullet point these changes OR use a different colour on your hand drawn designs.***
Implementation (about 20 minutes work):
The changes that you made to the system while building it is not clearly highlighted (made bold) – please make it easy for the examiner by simply making BOLD any changes – I spotted a few but it was hard work and you want to make it obvious for the external moderators.
ALTERNATIVE: Mots of you have not shown the simple Access report you made - a list of Members or DVDs?
It takes 1 second to make one of these auto-reports and it is not shown. If you show it you can also mention that it was an IMPROVEMENT / ALTERNATIVE from having just the table or query to display the data.
WHY? Because a report enables you to put your own design elements (log of the company, nice bold heading/title for the report, professional image, etc) whereas just displaying the data in a table format (whether it’s a query or a table they both TABULATE the data) can be quite difficult to read when there’s just rows and rows of data – having it in a nicely laid out report is easier to read and more professional looking…
There’s nothing wrong with viewing the data in a table or query for a quick glance but you can say you decided to have it as a report as well because it can be printed in a more presentable format! So add this in James – you can add it in towards the end so it does not disturb your Implementation.
You must have copies of: 3x mail merged labels and 3x mail merged letters without annotation – at the moment you have one page of each – they are simple proof of the outputs working
One last change you could also add for changes to a FORM: explain how you had to RESIZE a text box (enlarge it or make it smaller) as you did not realise that you may have to type in a lot of text.
One change you decide NOT to make in a FORM was to change the size of the font as this would have disturbed the overall ‘look and feel’ (symmetry) of the form… you can add this in as a statementat the end
Testing (about 15 minutes): ALL OF YOU TAKE NOTE as very few of you did this….
Unfortunately when it comes to typing in data you HAVE TO state exactly what they data is in the Input/Action column, not just “Type any name of a DVD” – perhaps say “Type in ‘Black Hawk Down’ and the Expected Result should be “The DVD ‘Back Hawk Down’ appears in the query datasheet / or form or whatever its meant to appear on…”
Then you have to state clearly next to your print screen evidence something like “The outcome matches the expected result: the DVD ‘Black Hawk Down’ appeared in the datasheet.” You ONLY have to mention this level of detail whenever there is data to type when searching so for you that only appears to be 2/3 tests - only two or three minor changes.
When testing VALIDATION you do need to once again state clearly the actual data you will be entering. Something like this: For the DOB field I have entered 25/25/25 as Illegal data input … and then 25/05/2010 as normal data input (and then mention the different expected results AND show the error message for the Illegal Data).
User Doc (about 3 minutes): ALL OF YOU TAKE NOTE as almost no-one did this….
You must state in your User Doc that the instant you enter data into a form it is saved to the data file (table). The user will get nervous otherwise and will keep clicking on the Save Icon which is not necessary.
You have stated brilliantly how to ad a new record but could you mention how to EDIT or AMEND data – it sounds silly but you have to do it to get the marks and it just means adding one sentence!
Also very silly: You need to say how to PRINT your outputs (Mail Merges and Access Report) e.g. “Go to File and select print, then select the printer that appears in the list and click on OK!!!!!!!
You need to WARN the user of VALIDATION OR VERIFICATION errors and how to avoid them. For example, “Be careful NOT to type the date in the American format mm/dd/yy. Show them the error message that could appear and how to correct their (stupid) mistake. Another warning: “Please keep the numbers within the following range (mention the acceptable numbers) to avoide this error message….” OR Please make sure the customer’s PASSWORD is between 8 and 21 characters long… etc
Evaluation (about 2 minutes work):
Very few of you have said how the project went for YOU – how did you manage your time, develop designs that were satisfactory to you and your client, manage feedback from the client, manage deadlines/bench marks etc
Evaluation – some of you have not included any PRINT SCREENS to accompany your suggested improvements.
This is simply showing the examiner that you not only know what suggestions to make, but, given more time you could actually implement these changes.
e.g. Database Security: State and show: “Go to Tools > Security > Set Database Password
…and show the next procedure (about 1 minutes work for security)
Project 1a : ASSEESSORS FEEDBACK - 5h Form
* Be even more specific about your AUDIENCE (state ages 11 - 80 and NOT school-going age and pensioners - if you have done this that's fine, just then give approximate ages)
* State CLEARLY which resources were used in the presentation (you can make a table and just tick them or go a bit further and state WHY you ended up using those images)
* When explaining (annotating) how you developed the presentation, always refer to (1) the AUDIENCE "I did this because it appeals, it will attract the elderly, and it appeals to the children I am wanting to reach..." AND (2) the PURPOSE of the presentation - I selected this option because it will need to quickly draw attention to those passing through the foyer of the school - they may be in a hurry but I WILL STOP them in their tracks because I have chosen..."
* And when explaining how you developed your presentation please use words like "insert", "copy and paste", “imported", browsed for the image and then selected by double clicking..." - you need to say HOW you actually used the software, not just "I then put an image in over here". For example, Custom Animation: actually show the animation window and point to the features in that that you used (numbering of when objects appear, timing, effect options and circle the one you want) NOT EVERY FEATURE but at least four main ones (TEXT/Word Art, ANIMATION, Slide
Transition, Media Clip, etc)
* And also, when explaining how you developed your presentation, please show TWO DIFFERENT LAYOUTS (you can also do this if you have a hand drawn presentation - if not, draw one roughly with some annotation) and explain why one layout was chosen over the other - you can also be something you decide to change while you are developing the presentation (so you changed it from your drawing stage to when you actually did it) BUT MAKE SURE YOU SAY WHY and point out the differences. Some of you did this in your hand drawn examples but they are not obvious - you have not pointed them out!
* When showing your Advanced Internet Search (using Google Advanced search or similar) please POINT to the actual address in the search engine's list and say exactly which one you chose and WHY it was a good one to choose!
* You HAVE TO make a typo / spelling mistake - you cannot just have a screen shot of the "Spelling Check is Complete" message. In other words show a mistake and highlight it on a slide and then show the correction. Some of you have shown other errors such as a technical error and explained how you overcame that then that is even better BUT I am afraid EVERYONE must show at least one spelling error and that you corrected it.
* Essay Advice:
- You have to PERSONALISE all your essays - some are very generic (general - not referring to their experience or imagined experiences)
- Firstly, how you use ICT and how you could use other methods OTHER than ICT (example of an OHP - overhead Projector; a Sandwich Board - who was it walking up and down the driveway and yet in his essay he never mentions alternatives if ICT was not available!)
- Secondly, how you organised your files and folders and backed up (yes you did, on USB) and looked after equipment and these files while in transit, etc
- Thirdly, you must say HOW you can get help (typing key words into Windows Help Box - usually top right of window pf application) when an error occurs - you cannot say that you called your teacher over - there are a lot of you that said this - try another means of getting help even if you give an example of going on to a "Tech support web site"
- Fourthly, Advantages and Disadvantages of ICT
- Fifth - Copyright and Confidentiality (although please remember that the data we needed was not necessarily data that had to be kept confidential! So watch that one - you may be able to leave it out and just refer to it in general and say you did not have to keep any data confidential). ALSO: make sure you mention that you have acknowledged ALL you sources in a table (and give the page number) so as to comply with Copyright etc.
- Sixth - Can identify Errors and their causes – it could be a simple FORMATTING ERROR that you picked up when proof reading.
- Seventh, your Health and Safety essay - once again PERSONALISE - what happened to you or could happen if (electrocution, trip, RSI, etc)
PREP - Due by first lesson next week (week 2):
Get at least THREE other people to fill out your Questionnaire.
In your Analysis HIGHLIGHT (if already included) or BULLET POINT the main aspects of the answered questionnaire - in other words
Fore-knowledge: Read pages 236 - 237
PREP - Due by first lesson next week (week 3):
Use the EVIDENCE TICK SHEET and fill it in up to Implementation AND include User Documentation.
Fore-knowledge: Read pages 236 - 237
PREP - Due by first lesson next week (week 2):
Use the EVIDENCE TICK SHEET and fill it in up to Implementation AND include User Documentation.
Fore-knowledge: Read pages 236 - 237