3rd TERM - Summer 2010
The topic:-
We will be furthering our skills in using Spreadsheets, using various formulae, macros and linking worksheets together to make advanced spreadhseets. We will be doing some dat amodelling (Spreadsheet Modelling) as a recap from what should have been covered last year. This means we use data (usually numeric i.e. numbers) in a way that we can learn from the numbers and get the numbers in a presentable format. We will then look at Merging Data via DTP and Word processing packages to create 'Mail Shots' and other outputs.
PREP - prep is every second week - you should know by now when this is:
DUE in Week 2:
Name that logo worksheet handed in class in Week 1
DUE in Week 4:
DUE in Week 6:
Parsing and Text String Formulae
Creation of a business for Spreadsheet purposes - Profit/Loss (Expenses and Earnings)
Web Site (Pre done last term) self and peer assessment will occur every lesson - see below for the criteria.
Mail Merge - staff ID
Mail Merge - Letters
Business Stationery
Here are a few pointers that make a good website design.
Basic Design Principles
Use a limited number of colours (see our choosing colours guide)
The use of contrasting colours will help make text on your web pages more legible e.g. black writing on a white background
Try not to make your site overcomplicated (cluttered) or with too much text. People scan websites rather than reading them
Make use of white space
Use short sentences and paragraphs. The use of headings and bullet points will focus visitor’s attention on the information you want them to know
Make sure every image or picture you use has a purpose
Avoid pop ups
Home Page
Make sure your logo and business name are clearly visible. Have a brief statement outlining what your business/service is, and/or what it does (25-30 words)
Have you got a clearly, visible call to action i.e. do you want them to phone you or e-mail you for a quote, enquiry etc
Keep the content to a minimum. Only include what your visitors really need to know, you can use the other pages on your website to add more detail
Research shows that most people like to see information in chunks of 3 e.g. (show screen shot of homepage)
Try to keep the number of choices a visitor has to no more than 7 e.g. choices on your navigation bar
On your web pages
Your company logo and call to action should appear consistently on every page
Your company logo should link back to your home page
Navigation should appear consistently on every page. Navigation generally appears near the top and/or down the left-hand side
Visitors should know what page they are on e.g. changing the colour of the navigation tab or breadcrumb navigation (homepage – services – website design)
A consistent layout of pages, especially product pages, will allow easy browsing
The most important information is always above the fold (can be seen without having to scroll down)
About us page
Should have a company description, background and history
Could include a mission statement
Include information about the team or employees – you can include a photo or drawing of each member, this helps your visitors know who they are working with
Contact us page
Ensure there is a link for this on every page or somewhere within the text
Include all contact details – landline number, mobile phone number, e-mail address, fax, business address, VAT number
You could embed a Google map for free to show your location
Include a contact form, make this as simple as possible by only asking for the information you really need
Include information about data protection
Inform your visitors if you are on Twitter, facebook, or Linked in
2nd TERM
The topics:-
The topic will continue to be around Web Sites; evaluating web sites, building sites that have online forms for making applications, shopping, etc
We will then be looking at ways of collecting, analysing and presenting information....
PREP - you will need to do some online exercises.
These online exercises may be in the form of a game or a quiz. You can find these at the following website - just click on:
For those who do not have Internet Access at home, please see your ICT teacher to organise a time in Lunch Break to complete them.
You will be told how to record your results in class.
There are a total of 12 of these exercises and games, make sure you choose at least 10 of them and do at least 2 every single prep week (remember, you only get prep every SECOND week so work out where these weeks are from your Homework Diary and record your prep IN ADVANCE).
In addition to this, you will be given other prep tasks so look out for these in class.
PREP - Due by first lesson next week (week 3):
Read the following information about "Evaluating Websites" up until point 5 "Coverage" - click here to go to the page: Evaluating Websites
If you do not have access to the Internet where you live, then come to me at lunch break - it is up to you to pre-arrange a time!
Lesson - Judging websites - what makes a good website.
If you know some poor or excellent websites you may use them in your evaluation BUT be sensible and remember the school's Internet Policy (click here for the school's policy of you are not sure)
If you do not know any poor sites to evaluate, use this list (once again, sensibly as they are not all strictly worthwhile content):
(some of the above sites you may actually consider are quite good - as long as you can explain your choices)
Here are 10 good designs - why?
- Apple.com
- Mozilla.com
- Iconbuffet.com
- WhyWeWhisper.com
- Circografico.com.ar
- Enhancedlabs.com
- Protolize.org
- Bearskinrug.co.uk
- Corkd.com
- Sumagency.com
PREP - Due by first lesson in week 5:
Complete the following online Web Evaluation: http://www.lib.umd.edu/guides/webcheck.html#top
If you do not have access to the Internet where you live, then come to me at lunch break - it is up to you to pre-arrange a time!
Work Booklet handed out - using the booklet to complete tasks
Website Themes
PREP - Due by first lesson in week 6:
Collect at least 2 NON-ICT sources for research for your web site (e.g. a newspaper or magazine article/advert, a flyer or brochure, etc)
Forms and Online Ordering
Please use this link to challenge yourself: FrontPage Tutorial
The tutorial starts "A Web site is a group of HTML pages and graphics that are interconnected with hyperlinks. A typical example of a Web site is shown here...."
PREP - Due by first lesson in week 7: (week after half-term)
DO the "Test Yourself" online assessment on preparing for building a web site: Click Here - print screen evidence that you have done this
Scenarios to create your own Model
Week 8:
What is the mini test on?
A school called King’s School in Herefordshire has approached you to design their web site. All you need to do for now is develop one web page, the Home Page, although you do need to include at least three navigation buttons.
You may copy and paste the information that appears below about the school if you wish to – the file is in your pupil folder and is called “2ndForm_MiniTest_Example_Oct08”. You can also find these files in the shared folder.
Actual Information about the School that will go into your web site:
Information about the school:-
Since the advent of co-education in the early 1970's, King’s School has grown into a day school of around 520 boys and girls, aged from 11 to 18. This number includes a Sixth Form of 140 housed in the newly opened dedicated sixth form centre. The school is truly coeducational - in every aspect - with the number of girls and boys being equal across the years.
There is a staff body of over fifty teachers, with a dedicated careers department, library and other ancillary staff providing support services. King’s School's academic reputation can be rated amongst the very best; with recently an average pass rate of 99% at both G.C.S.E. and of 99% at A level, with just under 80% of the pupils gaining A & B grades at this level. Nearly all Sixth Form leavers continue into Higher Education, some after a gap year. On average 97% gain their first choice university, with a significant number going on to Oxford or Cambridge Universities .
Contact details:
Head Teacher: Mrs Pauline Smith (B.Sc)., King’s School, Old Deanery, Hereford , HR1 2NG Tel: 01432 3635221; email: admin@kshrfd.org
LAYOUT - page layout and ease of navigation; scroll within reason
AUDIENCE - does it say what it should quickly to reach the audience
COLOURS - are they in keeping with the school and school's image (select just a few colours)
THEME - is there some sort of theme (colour, layout, design features) that helps the overall 'feel'
CONTENT - how have you presented the information and images (good balance between image and text?)
2nd PAGE - were you able to make another page in the same theme/design style?
Hyper_1 - does Hyperlink number 1 work?
Hyper_2 - does Hyperlink number 2 work?
Understanding of Web Design - have you shown competency in not only using the FrontPage program but have you produced a realistic design for a school?
WEEK 7 to 10:
Use one of the following web sites to build your own web site online:
Design (Theme and Colour/Images)
THREE pages minimum
DUE BY 18th March 2010 (or before if I do not see you on this date)
WEEK 11:
Peer Evaluation of Website
If you have been told to do the Extra Tasks then please clikc on this link to take you to some video tutorials on Excel:
1st TERM - Archived
Public Information Systems - Logging data, sensors and presenting data
We will look at how data is displayed - live and archived data
We will have a booklet that will take us through some tasks and homework exercises.
The most important aspects to focus on are:
1. Learning to link to live data
2. Editing and displaying live data
3. Creating a simple automated Public Information System
Extra: Research a 'weather phenomenon that has occured in recent years in the UK - write about a page on this phenomenon and how people and or animals were affected by this.
Record the weather (four aspects) over 7 days - make your own Weather Diary to record aspects such as the temperature (Midday and Midnight); wind direction; wind speed; visibility; cloud cover/clear skies; humidity
Complete Weather Diaries this week!
Complete "know your sensors" in the booklet (fourth page) - you may use a Search Engine to help you if you are still not sure of the type of sensor you are trying to classify.
This web site willhelp you: http://www.kented.org.uk/ngfl/ict/datalogging.htm
Complete the Weather Station Sensors worksheet (page 9 in the booklet)
You will have a little mini-test assessment (a multiple choice test of about 10 questions relating to what you are doing in class). Make sure you go over the worksheets you have completed so far from your booklet.
Page 13 form your booklet - complete this section on who would need a public service such as weather forecasting.
Revision of this unit: Click on the link to go to the revision pages: http://www.reviseict.co.uk/ks3/8.1/index.shtml
Over the past 7 weeks we have been looking at Public Information Systems and this a chance to recap and quiz yourself with these online quizzes / exercises. Please PRINT SCREEN your resukts and paste onto a Word document. Use your PrtScn key on the keyboard and paste into a Word Document (you can print it or bring it in to school on memory stick).