WEEK 1 to WEEK 3
We will be going through the Unit 2 topics below, starting with 2.1:
UNIT 2 - Living in a Digital World
2.1 An ICT System and its Components
2.2 Data and Information
2.3 People and ICT Systems
2.4 Transfer of Data in ICT Systems
2.5 Safety and Security of Data in ICT Systems
2.6 Backup and Recovery
2.7 What ICT can Provide
2.8 Factors Affecting the Use of ICT
2.9 The Consequences of the Use of ICT
Unit 2
Living in the digital World
ICT systems, their components, uses, users, safety and security
Data and information, data transfer, backup and recovery.
Unit 2.1
This unit may as well have been called "The Age of Information Technology and its Implications on Society"
This unit will focus on what a system and an ICT system comprises and how this impacts on business, society and us as individuals... and a few more things...
You need to prepare for the assessment at the end of this week. I will give you the TYPE of question here - prepare for them!
1. Give an example of an output from an ICT system and explain why the ICT system is used to produce it
2. Explain the benefits and drawbacks of the use of information and communications technology in any two of the following areas (your choice):
(a) manufacturing, (b) industry, (c) commerce, (d) medicine, (e) the home, (f) education and (g) teleworking.
3. List 5 disadvantages of shopping online
(The last question can be prepared for by clicking on this link of the following web pages):
That's all (for now...)
Ed - 2.7
Chaz - 2.9
Nest - 2.5
Tom - 2.3
You are delivering!
What is an ICT System?
In a page or more, explain what an ICT System is. You may wish to start by reading pages in your text book.
You may also wish to start your paragraph in the following way:
"ICT and computers are not the same thing. An ICT system does not only include all the components of a computer but also takes into consideration the communication devices that exist (protocols and means of transferring data) in order to help comoputers to 'talk' to one another, as well as peripheal devices..."
If that was a bit too challenging, then summarise what you have read on pages ------ (I'll help you find the right pages)
PLEASE USE THE EXERCISE BOOKS PROVIDED - do not use sheets of loose paper.
Use the following link to use real stories/example to back up your responses to questionsand background knowledge:
You should be reading at least 3 articles about ICT in the news a week!! (I will check.... I have vays and meanz.....)
Please complete Tests up to test 3!!
What is an ICT System?
In a page or more, explain what an ICT System is. You may wish to start by reading pages in your text book.
How will I be assessed?
mode of assessment
1 (AS)
Written paper: 1 hour 30 minutes –
Question paper/answer booklet. Externally marked by AQA.
Section A: short answer questions; Section B: 3 or more structured questions requiring discursive answers. All questions are compulsory.
2 (AS)
Written paper: 1 hour 30 minutes
Question paper/answer booklet examination. Externally marked by AQA.
Section A: short answer questions; Section B: 3 or more structured questions requiring discursive answers. All questions are compulsory.
WEEKS 11 to 13 - WE WILL BE USING KERBOODLE FROM NOW ON AS OUR ONLINE ASSESSMENT AND THEORY PROGRAM, as well as class instruction, tasks and all the notes and presentation in the student share area. PLEASSE GO TO I:Studen Shared > ICT > Form6 > AS Theory