3rd TERM - Summer 2010
The topic:-
Using ICT in Business (KS3 Business Studies with adhanced ICT Applications)
We will be developing system to help build a business. This 2nd Control Project will involve utilising all the skills you have picked up throughout your KS3 ICT. So from Spreadsheets for Profit and Loss calculations to designing promotional material.
All the way along, you will be required to DOCUMENT what you did and how you did it using your own journal (PowerPoint presentation, a Word Document, etc)
PREP: Due in Week 2
Business Start Up and Enterprise
1. Company Logo & Slogan – No computer for this one!
Due: by second lesson in week 2
1. Collect (download or cut out of a newspaper/magazine) at least 3 examples of logos that relate to the business you have chosen.
2. Make 3 original rough sketches of possible logos on a clean sheet of A4 paper
3. Select your best choice and redraw neatly (use colour pencils if needed. Extra: state why you think your choice is good and should be chosen by your team as your new company logo.
4. On the same sheet or on a new sheet, write out a possible slogan for your company. Extra: write three possible slogans)
2. Your Function within the team
Due: by first lesson in week 3
1. Write OR type and print your ICT skills in order from best (most skilled) to worst (you do not know the program very well):
o Spreadsheets – Excel
o Presentation skills – PowerPoint
o Word Processing – Word
o Web Site Development – online and or FrontPage
o Publication/DTP skills – Publisher and or MS Digital Suite
o Databases design and management – Access
o Email – or online communications (SMS, Chat Forums, etc.)
o General IT – external/mobile storage; printing; organising files and folders; sharing and transfer of data; programming
2. Find one role (does not have to be listed) you would like to perform within the team or as a career one day and write/type a definition for this role and why you would like to do this particular job.
3. Extra: What qualification (degree/training) would you need for the job mentioned in point 2 above?
PREP: DUE in Week 3:
A contribution decided on by your team - every member needs to produce something to help promote or advertise the compnay
PREP: DUE in Week 4:
Design a Data Capture form for Signing up members or capturing details of Customers - explained in class (and see hand out)
See tasks above (Collecting Logos and Designing a Logo)
Design a Data Capture Form - design a formt o captu
Creation of a business for Spreadsheet purposes - Profit/Loss (Expenses and Earnings)
Mail Merge - staff ID
Mail Merge - Letters
Parsing and Text String Formulae
Creation of a business for Spreadsheet purposes - Profit/Loss (Expenses and Earnings)
Mail Merge - staff ID
Mail Merge - Letters
2nd TERM
The topic:-
We will be looking at how data is captured, processed and presented - starting with surveys, questionnaires for capturing data
We start off with an ONLINE SURVEY - click on this link to do the first online survey:
Class work (and now 'Snow Work' if you are stuck at home) - Within first two lessons: Do the online survey "What car is the ugliest on the UK roads" by clicking on the link below...
CLICK ON: http://surveypirate.com/Survey.aspx?surveyid=10231&hash=TEiEDIAX6GJHltSlQobZJg%3d%3d
PREP - Due by last lesson in week 2: Create you own online Survey
It can be as simple as the example above, or more complex, using not just Multiple Choice questions, but a variety of types of questions.
The above survey was done...
The above survey was done using a free online survey website known as Survey Pirate - its very easy and you are required to create your own online survey (try to pick a sensible survey that you know your class mates would not mind doing).
Now create, conduct & analyze your own online survey via internet service using this link: http://www.surveypirate.com
Stuck for ideas? Below is a link to an online file with lists of cars, chocolates, snacks, occupations, etc in Excel. Click the link and it may give you some ideas and save you researching (bit original work will always be rewarded):
(The web site is called MediaFire and it is a site that contains files and folders to help you when at home)
Here is the outline of the weeks ahead and what we will be doing:
WEEK 3 & 4:
Prep: Paper-based Questionnaire - think of a Hypothesis (discussed in class) and devise a Questionnaire (between 5 and 10 questions) to prove/disprove the hypothesis - Due Week 6. The Questionnaire can be done on computer OR hand-written. REMEMBER to create the Hypothesis first BEFORE creating your questionnaire.
Click here to see an example: http://www.uwex.edu/ces/tobaccoeval/docs/restsurv.doc
Lesson: We will be taking part in a national/international schools survey: http://www.censusatschool.org.uk/take-part/questionnaires/phase-3
We will be doing the Phase 3 census.
WEEK 5 & 6:
Make sure you are UP-TO-DATE with all prep - see previous weeks!
Prep: Go through Databases and Data Capture - click on the link below...
- Due Week after half-term
Lesson: We will be designing a Survey on an Access database.
A Note About PREP:
Check your prep once a week (at least). Prep given in one week is always due in the very first lesson the following week.
ALL LESSONS will be given over to the first Control Project:
Project dB - Control Project 1 PARTS A, B, C and D
A Prep Assignment will be given to help repare for the Current Grade Assessment - see Week 8 below
Week 8:
What is the mini test on?
School Database
You have been asked to develop and administer the database for your school. At the moment it only has one table so you will have to make improvements as well as enter data.
You will be given part of the database to work with and will need to add in new fields and data types
You will then be instructed to update the data. Below are the actual questions:
Open the database called “School dB”
Right click the “Scholars” table and select Design View – see below for instruction
The tes follows on from your Prep on the School Database...
WEEK 7 - 10:
Prep: Fill in the "dB Project - PREP EXERCISE" pages
In this prep exercise you will be design a Student Database for a school:
The tables
The forms
Questions (Queries)
Extra Help for Access and Additional Preparation for the CGA Test:
WEEK 11:
1st TERM - Archived
Music CD Project - Multi-tasking (Multiple Application useage to produce a product)
We will be producing a Music CD, with a promotional Poster. A CD cover and actual disk will be part of the overall package.
We will aim to burn tracks onto a CD (the tracks can be exisitng tracks but the name of the artist/band and the CD Cover is your own creation.
The most important aspects to focus on are:
1. Your publishing skills to create an acurate product
2. Your use of more than one program to produce a design that is professional and appropriate (e.g. Paint to manipulate the scanned hand-draw designs)
3. Your vision for a complete package (CD, CD Cover, Poster and music theme)
Extra: Tro to bring in digital photos of yourself to include in the 'new bands' design
Name of Artist or Band (made up) and the full Track List (at least 10)
CD Cover Design
CD Poster design - promoting to launch of your new CD (on A4 paper - hand-drawn please!!) - you can use your CD design images and this part of the design can be printed out of left blank! I will explain this in class.
Try this link for some DTP revision:
Please note that this week we need to compkete the CD project - try to print and collect together everything you have done because you have to hand it all in for assessment either end of last week (WEEK 4 if your are in 3S or beginning of WEEK 5 if you are in 3P)
Bring in a USB memory stick with some tracks to burn and a blank CD - speak to me if you have not got access to these two things BEFORE you get to this week. Burning music to CD is not the most essential part of the project so speak to me if this seems unmanageable.
You will have a little mini-test assessment (a multiple choice test of only around 10 questions relating to what you are doing in class). There will be a short practical component to this test where you will have to follow a list of tasks to do in Publisher - you cannot really revise for the practical as it is a test on what you have managedto learn during the latest project.
Make sure you learn your ICT vocab from the sheet given to you last week - if you do not have one then speak to me soon!
WEEK 6 & 7 (complete by end of week 7)
Flow Chart exercise online - please let me know BEFORE the middle of this week if you cannot access the Internet!
Click on: http://www.cimt.plymouth.ac.uk/projects/mepres/book8/bk8i1/bk8_1i2.htm
and follow the instructions and do all the flow chart exercises.
IMPORTANT: Print Screen the last "Your overall score for this section is " and print this out at home or bring it on memory stick to print by Monday (3P) / Tuesday (3S) next week.
Project Tasks and Exercises to complete and print out by Tuesday (3P) / Wednesday (3S):
Exercise: 'Making a cup of Tea'
Exercise: 'Gantt Chart - Theatre Production / Play'
Gantt Chart: most have done this but make sure it is printed
Flow Chart: showing the current system of booking the tickets / making a reservation
Tasks 1 - 6 of the Booking System - wait for instruction in class on how to print this out!
Ext: (Extension task) Booking System done in the design/layout of Bearwood College.
Prep: Screen Print of Flow Chart exercise done online - speak to me way in advance of this date if you do not have Internet access at home or within easy reach of home as this is purely Internet based - see Week 6 & 7
Focus on:
1. Completing advanced Booking System (File Name: TBS - BWC - username)
This means a Theatre Booking System that goes beyond the simple/basic one we did as an exercise in class.
Nothing! You're lucky!!
WEEK 9 - 10
You need to view these online videos/simulations in preparation for the Log Flume project. Click on the links below:
1. http://www.learner.org/interactives/parkphysics/
(Read all the background information to building a Roller Coaster and then make sure you get to the part in the web site where you can build your own roller coaster virtually - if you get lost click on the links below - click on them one after the other if you are not good at using Internet links:
Click on the final link that labelled "See Your Roller Coaster" and print screen this onto Word - bring it into school by the first lesson in Week 10.
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da5l5sbv4hw
(The above you tube video will give you some idea of what a lof flume is like if you have not been on one before)
3. http://www.reviseict.co.uk/ks3/9.1/fling_logflume.shtml
(This is a fun question and answer game - print screen your final outcome in Word and print off)
4. http://www.reviseict.co.uk/ks3/9.1/bomb_logflume.shtml
(Number 4 above should be done towards the end of week 10 as you will not know what a 'Schematic' drawing is until you are introduced to this aspect of the Log Flume project - print screen your outcome!)
Extra: http://www.reviseict.co.uk/ks3/9.1/splash_video.html
(NB: The above video may not play on your PC at home, or it may be too large - view it if you can)
http://www.rides.nl/attractie/types/38 (Top 10 rides - mind the German though)
http://www.nolimitscoaster.com/ (If you are allowed to download a game onto your PC at home, this is a roller coaster simulation game - look out for the online survey coming soon to rank this one and other online simulations!)
WEEK 11 - 12
Prep (due in Week 12): LOG FLUME SCHEMATIC DRAWING (by hand on A4 piece of paper)
If you wish to, the schematic can be done on Word or PowerPoint - some tips to be given in class.
The following are tips and guidance points for the EXAM REVISION:
What's going to be in the exam?
Section 1 : INPUT, STORAGE and OUTPUT - dead easy, but we'll go through this again in class; also, what is meant by Hardware and Software#
Input, Output and Storage - revise from here:
Section 2 : SENSORS (name some and say how they are used - based on worksheet done in class.
Practice Worksheet: http://www.teach-ict.com/gcse/software/control/tasks/worksheet3.pdf
Answers: http://www.teach-ict.com/gcse/software/control/tasks/worksheet3_answers.pdf
Section 3 : FLWOCHARTS and CONTROL (Flowol)
Practice Worksheet: http://www.teach-ict.com/gcse/software/control/tasks/worksheet4.pdf
Learn you SHAPES (i.e. what shape is the decision box - the decision box is a diamond shape and concerns a 'Boolean' response i.e. 'Yes' or 'No')
Here is a Word document to test yourself:
Think of the AutoHome MIMIC - what SUb-Routines did you have to create ...?
Section 4 : Project Management (the Project Lifecycle, Gantt Charts and that's all for section 4 - we'll go over them again briefly in class)
Remember the stages:
IDENTIFY (Feasibility or Costing would also be acceptable)
Here's a PowerPoint slide we used in class to remind you:
Section 5 : Health and Safety in the computer room and Viruses and Hacking
Examples of H&S:
* Keep wires/cab;es neat and tidy
* Keep liquids (and food) away from equipment
* Trailing cables / power supplies on the floor is an accident waiting to happen!
Notes on on Viruses/Hacking:
* Illegal to knowingly distribute
* Intent to cause unauthorised chnages to computer material (e.g. damage to files, programs, etc)
* passed from file to file, and computer to computer
* they attach themselves to another program or file, unknowingly to the user
* because YOU can be the distributor of one that damages someone else's computer
* spread via portable storage media or by downloading from the Internet
* Unauthorized remote computer break-ins via a communication networks such as the Internet
* Primary purpose is to pry or even steel personal data
* A hacker is someone who wants to circumvent computer security in order to gain access to private files and data; they usually want to copy, steel or just look at the data
Not at all an easy exam for those who do not read this page and revise! ! !
WEEK 13/14
Log Flume 1 : http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/psp/resources/Secondary/ICT/Year_9/Control_systems_with_safety_fea/Log_flume_1.swf
Log Flume 2: http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/psp/resources/Secondary/ICT/Year_9/Control_systems_with_safety_fea/Log_flume_2.swf