THEORY: BBC Revision Site:
PROJECT 1a (not 1b yet): SEE BELOW:
Project 1a : ASSEESSORS FEEDBACK - 4th Form
* Be even more specific about your AUDIENCE (state ages 11 - 80 and NOT school-going age and pensioners - if you have done this that's fine, just then give approximate ages)
* State CLEARLY which resources were used in the presentation (you can make a table and just tick them or go a bit further and state WHY you ended up using those images)
* When explaining (annotating) how you developed the presentation, always refer to (1) the AUDIENCE"I did this because it appeals, it will attract the elderly, and it appeals to the children I am wanting to reach..." AND (2) the PURPOSE of the presentation - I selected this option because it will need to quickly draw attention to those passing through the foyer of the school - they may be in a hurry but I WILL STOP them in their tracks because I have chosen..."
* And when explaining how you developed your presentation please use words like "insert", "copy and paste", “imported", browsed for the image and then selected by double clicking..." - you need to say HOW you actually used the software, not just "I then put an image in over here". For example, Custom Animation: actually show the animation window and point to the features in that that you used (numbering of when objects appear, timing, effect options and circle the one you want) NOT EVERY FEATURE but at least four main ones (TEXT/Word Art, ANIMATION, Slide
Transition, Media Clip, etc)
* And also when explaining how you developed your presentation please show TWO DIFFERENT LAYOUTS (you can also do this in the hand drawn stage) and explain why one layout was chosen over the other - you can also be something you decide to change while you are developing the presentation (so you changed it from your drawing stage to when you actually did it) BUT MAKE SURE YOU SAY WHY and point out the differences. Some of you did this in your hand drawn examples but they are not obvious - you have not pointed them out!
* When showing your Advanced Internet Search (using Google Advanced search or similar) please POINT to the actual address in the search engine's list and say exactly which one you chose and WHY it was a good one to choose!
* You HAVE TO make a typo / spelling mistake - you cannot just have a screen shot of the "Spelling Check is Complete" message - this is something NEW! In other words show a mistake and highlight it on a slide and then show the correction. Some of you have shown other errors such as a technical error and explained how you overcame that then that is even better BUT I am afraid EVERYONE must show at least one spelling error and that you corrected it (seem silly to you? Never mind, just do it as the examiner wants to see that you can edit/go back and amend errors).
* Essay Advice:
- You have to PERSONALISE all your essays and I have said that again and again and still some are very generic (general - not referring to their experience or imagined experiences)
- Firstly, how you use ICT and how you could use other methods OTHER than ICT (remember the example of an OHP - overhead Projector; a Sandwich Board - who was it walking up and down the driveway and yet in his essay he never mentions alternatives if ICT was not available!)
- Secondly, how you organised your files and folders and backed up (yes you did, on USB) and looked after equipment and these files while in transit, etc
- Thirdly, you must say HOW you can get help (typing key words into Windows Help Box - usually top right of window pf application) when an error occurs - you cannot say that you called your teacher over - there are a lot of you that said this - try another means of getting help even if you give an example of going on to a "Tech support web site"
- Fourthly, Advantages and Disadvantages of ICT
- Fifth - Copyright and Confidentiality (although please remember that the data we needed was not necessarily data that had to be kept confidential! So watch that one - you may be able to leave it out and just refer to it in general and say you did not have to keep any data confidential). ALSO: make sure you mention that you have acknowledged ALL you sources in a table (and give the page number) so as to comply with Copyright etc.
- Sixth - Can identify Errors and their causes – it could be a simple FORMATTING ERROR that you picked up when proof reading.
- Seventh, your Health and Safety essay - once again PERSONALISE - what happened to you or could happen if (electrocution, trip, RSI, etc)
Week 1 - fix up Project 1a
Week 2 - fix up Project 1b
Week 3 - Start Project 2 practice
Prep starting in Week 1 and carrying on throuhgout the term will be based around the THEORY TOPIC PRESENTATIONS:
So far we have the following scholars who will be ready to present from 26th April:
PROJECT 1a and 1b will be dealt with during class time now!
2nd TERM
PREP (due after half-term):
Worksheets to be handed out in class - complete by first lesson after half-term!
These STEPS will really help you if you want extra background information:
Step 1 (click on the Next button to advance each step)
Step 2
Step 3 and so on... it does right up to step 9 - JUST TYPE IN THE RELEVANT NUMBER
(© 2009 stacs)
Post-Half Term...
WEEK 7 - 9
All prep will be given in class this half term BUT extra work can be found below to complement this class and prep work for Project 1b:
Try the above sites to learn more about Access and Database terminology.
WEEK 10 -11
Read pages from your text book: 140 - 151
You will be given a test (CGA) based on the questions found on page 151 & 152
DUE: 18 March 2010
Summer Term
Select your Theory Topic to create a 4 to 5 slide presentation on that topic - select ONE:
Storage Devices and Media
Backing/Secondary storage devices and media: different types and uses
The advantages and disadvantages of different types of backing storage media
The importance of backups
The difference between main/internal memory and backing storage
Introductory Communications
Modems and digital telephone lines
Analogue to digital conversion and digital to analogue conversion
Advantages and disadvantages of using computer networks
User ids and passwords
Communication media
Data: Types and Terminology
Types of data – alphanumeric/text, numeric (real and integer), date, logical/Boolean
Definition of file, record, field and key field
Information Management and Effects of IT: Legal Issues
Software copyright
Social effects of ICT
DUE: 20 April 2010
Glossary of ICT Terms:
Read pages 144 and 145 of your text book for DIFFERENCES between databases and spreadsheets
Xmas Holiday Prep Help:
Extra and 'Essay' Topics - help pages:
Health and Safety
Viruses and Safety on the Internet
Error Messages
Copyright and Confidentiality
1st TERM - archived
'Min-test' assessment revision:
Do the first three worksheets from the booklet handed to you last week.
I will be asking you questions based on the Worksheets "ICT Hardware 1", "ICT Hardware 3" and "ICT Hardware 5" and from pages 6 - 20 from your Text Book but do not spend the time reading all the advanatges and disadvantages at this stage in the text book.
Here's a link that may help you for quick revision before the test:
Complete the Worksheet Booklet titled "ICT Hardware" (by Monday Week 6)
In your exercise books, write out the answers on page 5 from your text books, where it says "Test and review"
Also, take note of the section "Review and thinking tasks" and write down the 'specs' and type of your computer at home (or one that you may have access to outside of school).
Complete by Friday - end of this week (Week 7)
Hand in Project 1a at least up to Task 8 (Internet Searches) and make sure your Table of Resources (ICT, ICT non-Internet and ICT Internet) is complete.
Storage Devices and Media
Backing/Secondary storage devices and media: different types and uses
The advantages and disadvantages of different types of backing storage media
The importance of backups
The difference between main/internal memory and backing storage
Introductory Communications
Modems and digital telephone lines
Analogue to digital conversion and digital to analogue conversion
Advantages and disadvantages of using computer networks
User ids and passwords
Communication media
Data: Types and Terminology
Types of data – alphanumeric/text, numeric (real and integer), date, logical/Boolean
Definition of file, record, field and key field
Information Management and Effects of IT: Legal Issues
Software copyright
Social effects of ICT