2nd TERM
Everyone, and that means EVERYONE, has to go carefully over their Analysis as there are still HUGE gaps and sections either missing or badly done.
The Analysis is the most important section and you will be given a list of sections that you need to complete or redo - an individual action plan.
We will spend the whole of week 1 revisitng this section and you will also be given a "User Requirements" table to help you with the following fact:
A lot of your databases still do not fiulfill the User's (Clinet's) requirments - they are in some cases even better than what your user wanted (great! just edit your requirments then) or they are not showing the link between requirements and database solution clearly. So approximately 3 lessons and we should be finished with Analysis for good.
NEWS FLASH: Project 2 Help Files now available
Click the following link if you need the Project 2 Help Files: click on the link below to take you to the folder with the files online (the web site is called MediaFire):
Tick the folder "5h Form project 2 Analysis&Letters" and select the download button to bulk download all the files OR select just the files you want to download one at a time.
What's the purpose of the 'Help Documents'?
Open up your Analysis for example and open up the relevant Help File (e.g. "PROJECT_2_Analysis Pointers") and compare yours to the Help File. Read through the Help points and see of you have similar points - if not, start amending. Design help files to follow if the snow continues...
Focussing on User Requirements, Hardware and Software and Data Collection (letters and questionnaire)
Read pages 226 - 230 in the ICt text Book
(Please note: a test will come from these sections to do with Course Work - part of your first CGA)
About 3 lessons to sort this.
EVERYONE needs to fill out a final table explaining there reasons for making changes to the design.
Most important point: Use a blue pen to annotate pencil designs!! (Not red and make the reasons for any chnages clear)
Those who handed me printed and drawn design will get it back with feedback
Read pages 230 - 233 in the ICT text Book
Read pages 233 - 235 from ICT Text Book (Implementation)
Write or type up an Introduction to you Design. I have notes on this in the "Help Files" and below is another suggestion:
"I will divide up the way I design my database solution into the following section: (1) Front-end and (2) Back-end
The Front-end will consist of all my Forms and Reports divided up further into Inputs and Outputs - this will include objects such as the User Interface forms such as the forms for inoutting and recording new DVDs and Members, and the Reports such as the Mail Merge letters, lables etc that I have to design....
The Back-end will consist of designing the data strcutures (i.e. the tables) with the Field names and Data types, and the field lengths.... etc etc"
PREP DUE BY 01/02/2010
And all next week we will be doing I M P L E M E N T A T I O N !
In Class:
This has been handed in for assessment (most of you printed it out) but it will be handed back for you to fix up and these are the assessment criteria that you need to be aware of (about 5 lessons for Implementation):
Implementation is basically divided up into two sections: 1. Data Structure (tables, their relationships and queries) AND 2. User Interface (forms and how the user inputs data using forms, etc) - YOU CAN USE THESE AS HEADINGS
Included in each section is an explanantion of any changes you make to the database that improves the database. There is a list below:
List of CHANGES while you are Implementing / Building your database:
1. Limit to list (Genre drop-down list for example - prevents the user from making up any old genre)
2. Required field (if the user has to input into this field - MANDATORY DATA)
3. Backup database (Export Macro to send to specific folder - an easy and quick way to help the user make a backup)
4. Better navigation - make macro buttons to guide the user - no need to see tables or queires - this will only scare the user!
5. Hide tables and queries (database objects - same as above, only show what the user needs to see, not the 'back-end')
6. Open Splash Screen automatically when opening dB - allows user to see the user-interface - similar to above - MAKING it USER-FRIENDLY!
Implementation Help - Part 1
Introduction (for ¼ marks)
· Open Access
· Create file name
· Type field names and data types
More detailed (for 2/4 marks)
· ANNOTATED enough so that someone else could follow your steps and set up the same solution
· Inserted Field Lengths and OR Input Masks
· Required Fields? (Yes)
· Validation
· You are showing juts your TABLES at the moment!
Changes you made while building (for 3/4 marks)
· ANNOTATED changes/developments you thought about WHILE you were creating the solution
· Somewhere along the line you may come across a feature of Access that will really help your client – you and your client never thought about this before but it will really help the end-user (the person who will end up using the system)
· For example, a multi-choice field (drop-down list / drop-down box / combo-box) may be a better solution than typing in data – i.e. it eliminates/reduces the chance of human error – that’s a good one!
· For example, try to find at least:
o A Data Type change (e.g., from number to text because it makes better sense for some reason…)
o A Required Field (Yes) change – it has to be used for each new record because it is ESSENTIAL data (not ID numbers though!)
o A Validation / Input Mask that will help reduce human error!
o An additional field that will clarify something (be careful of this one as you do not want to show that you had a poor design in the first place)
o Turning a field into a Lookup Field or Drop-down List (because it helped reduce input from the user and therefore reduce human error)
Changes you EXPLAINED (for 4/4 marks)
If you explain (or annotated on your print-screens) WHY you made the changes you end up with full marks for this section – remember you are still dealing with the TABLES at this point.
There are plnety of CHANGES that can be made to a database WHILE you are creating it (or even if you have completed it) and there is a list of these that will be shown to you in class.
Read pages 237 - 238 in the ICT text Book
About in your own time this week....
User Documentation
This was your 'Holiday Homework) - page 237 and 238 of your Text Book has all the pointers for this stage.
Here's a summary:
1. Show your user how to open and access the first most important screen / form (your solash page / main menu or Members screen)
2. Show your user how to input (for example, membership data, DVD data, a rental, etc)
3. Show your user how to output (preview reports, mail merge) and print the output / email etc
4. Show your user how to process (enter parameter values)
PREP DUE BY 01/02/2010
Read pages 236 - 239 from ICT Text Book (Testin and then do to Evaluation)
TESTING is testing your database to see that it meets all the USER REQUIREMENTS from your Analysis satisfactorily.
EVALUATION is explaining how well you met these USER REQUIREMENTS -
Marks for each section
Analysis 12
Design 12
Implementation 14
Testing 7
User Documentation 7
Evaluation 4
1st TERM - Archived
Coursework - Project 2
Bring in a leaflet / flier / newspaper or magazine article or any other source of information supplied by your client (user). e.g. DVD rental store might provide a promotional flier or special offer leaflet...
ANALYSIS - expand on all areas and print out as much of what you have done by thte end of this week - designing a Questionnaire is the minimum stage you need to be at.
Prototyping - DESIGN your 'front screen' (Main Menu form) on paper... hand in by Thursday 24th September... AND...
prepare for your 'min-test' assessment.
Read pages 1 to 4 from your "Microsoft Access GCSE Notes" booklet (handed out to you in class end of week 3).
Focus on the advantage of a RELATIONAL DATABASE as opposed to a flat file database - we will be going through some examples in class.
Please note that database examples 1, 2 and 3 will be available in the Student Shared area for you to open and examine with your notes in the booklet.
Analysis - make sure you are working through the Analysis Template to complete by the deadline: 8 October!!!
2.3.1 by the end of Week 5 and 2.3.3 by the end of Week 6.
If you're ahead of the schedule then revert to your Database notes and start prototyping your DVD rental database after experimenting with the eBay and Swim dBs.
DESIGN - DESIGN two more 'Screens' / Database Forms for your database (what will you 'Front-end' look like when your user open the database?)
This can be based on the prototypes you have been building in class. You can hand-draw these or use Word to design them.
Tables - make sure you understand and can draw the relationships between at least three tables. Use Word or hand-draw three tables in relationship (i.e. One member 'takes out' Many DVDs etc). Don't just state the name of each table but list the Field Names in each table and clearly show which Field is the Primary and Secondary (foreign) key - more about Primary and Foreign keys in class on 13th October.
All hand-drawn designs of the Front-end of the database must be complete.
This week you must complete at least one design for a Query - a Query Grid can be copied from the Student Shared area to help you - its a template done in Word that you can print out and use to show your query.
This means the Planning (Drawing) and making (Building) of the NEW SYSTEM (Database)
1. Analysis redone (see below for those who have already done this)
2. Designs for 8 objects found in the new system (Access Database). These are:-
1. at least TWO Tables
2. at least TWO Forms (e.g. Splash Screen/Main Menu and a Data Entry form for say the Members/Customers)
3. at least TWO Queries (e.g. a Filter type query to find something out, say all the DVDs with certificate '12' and a Calculation query to work out when a DVD is due back in the shop and by how many days it is verdue IF it is overdue)
4. at least TWO Reports - now a Report is any OUTPUT from the dB. An output is anything that come OUT of the dB, such as a receipt, manager's report showing profit or loss, a letter informing the customers about something, etc. You will probably want to do a letter informing customers of any overdue DVDs - a formal notification of any DVDs they have taken out and not returned. That's one report. For your second report, you may want a simple LIST of every DVD that the rental shop owns. You could also have a list of every active memeber (active meaning they have rented something in the past 6 months - a date parameter query is required behind this kind of report but this is for the more advanced dB developers amongst you)
All in all, most of you will actually have more than this. but the minimum requirement would be to show the designs for these 8 'objects' in your database.
CURRENT GRADE ASSESSMENT - what's in the test:
NOW, for some tips as to what will be in your next exam (at the end of November)...
1. Text Book Preparation: pages 45 - 53, focussing mainly on Viruses and Social Effects of ICT
2. Worksheet Preparation: at least 4 questions will come from tbhis worksheet - click on the link below and print off in class or at home:
3. Coursework Preparation: you will definitely have to draw on a blank sheet of paper a design for a Data Entry Form such as an application form.
And finally, questions will come from thj
Here are the latest results and comments for those who have already resubmitted their ANALYSIS:
Pupil Number: 177
1 1 1 2 2 0.5 0.25 0.25 RESULT: 8/12 (67%)
You need to amend some words and sentences but especially: CAN YOU BULLET POINT 2.1.4 (User Requirements)? One more IOP please (2.3.1). NB: REORDER your numbering according to the template OR DELETE it altogether and juts have the headings!!
Pupil Number: 178
0.25 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 RESULT: 8/12 (60%)
A little more info in your Introduction (organisation, e.g. who are the, what do they do (these you have answered), but HOW are they doing business (a summary - not detailed) and what they are doing now (e.g. a paper-based system) and possibly more on why they have approached you!). You talk about the system crashing - be wary of this as you cannot solve this - you are a software developer NOT hardware, even though you will recommend hardware later on! Too many problems are not going to be solved directly by you - rethink these in terms of what you can provide as a solution. Excellent images of the current Card System BUT get rid of references to an existing computer system!! Keep it paper (card) and MANUAL!! For 2.1.4 USER REQUIREMENTS: you are not looking at the problems your client is really having with the card system (e.g. Automatically saving new inputs, backing up, storing data, searches that are quick and easy for untrained users, etc) - look at these again and come up with the REQUIREMENTS needed for a new computerised system.) There is no CLIENT (user) address on the letter! AMEND 2.2.1 - 7 - this is very good but needs attention. REQUIRMENTS (2.1.4) is a bit out of order and the numbering has gone wrong - if this is a problem, compare with the template or delete the numbering system and just number your pages in the footer).
Pupil Number: 181
1 2 2 2 2 0.25 1 1 RESULT: 11/12 (94%)
Very good - only reword the Input, Output and Process section - needs amendments! Well done.
Well, that was all about week 9. Now for week 10:-
WEEK 10 - CGA MiniTest
Tuesday period 1 you will be given a short test. I am going to give you the type of questions so that you can prepare fully for this test!
Here we go:-
1. A computer uses a dial-up modem to connect to the Internet along the ordinary telephone lines of the public telephone system.
EXPLAIN why the modem is needed [2 marks]
2. A computer manager is wooried about hacking and computer viruses.
(a) What is meant by hacking? [2 marks]
(b) What is a COMPUTER VIRUS? [2 marks]
3. Name the correct DATA TYPES for the following fields:
Student Name _ ?
Student ID _ ?
Address _ ?
Mobile phone _ ?
4. Describe how you attach a Word document to an email (between three and six bullet points should suffice)
5. You have been asked to produce a new computerised system for assigning students to sports/games sessions in your school.
(a) Write doen, in order, the 5 stages in the Porject Life-cycle (e.g. Implementation is one of them)
(b) What would be the relationship between the STUDENTS and GAMES/ACTIVITIES tables? (e.g. One student can be assigned to ......)
Use you text book and prepare for the above type of questions.
And finally, questions will come from this worksheet (click on the link to download):
From Week 10 onwards you must be:-
We will now complete the building of our final database system. The prototype we created will be replaced by the actual working database with sample data... we will show the examiner HOW we created the system with step-by-step screen prints, starting with the tables 9and showing any validation or special features, then the Queries, and finally the Forms and Reports. Doing it in this order is one way, i.e. "Back-emd" and then "Front-end"."Back-end" is what the user does not see and "Front-end" is what the user sees, such as data entry forms and reports.
1. WHAT did you do? Explain what you did in setting up your database and
2. HOW you did it - for example, >> I selected the Design View for the table by double clicking the "Design View" option. This then allowed me to start filling in the Field Names and their Data Types.. . <<
3. WHY did you do it is this way/use that feature? - for example, >> I have to set up the table in design view as this is how Access lets you create your table (one of the ways), and you can type field names, select data types, choose the primary key, make drop-down lists, all in this view....
Use this revision site for good terminology (words to use
COURSEWORK - Deadlines
Analysis (final - prep) - 26th November 2009 - bring this in BEFORE for quick feedback!
Design (final - prep) - 3rd December 2009 - bring this in BEFORE for quick feedback
Implementation - 30th November 2009
Testing (Plan/Table) 8th December 2009
Here are the tips and guidance notes for the exam revision:
Section 1 : Hacking, Viruses and Modem (simailar to MiniTest - CGA Oct 09)
Online revision: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/ict/implications/
Section 2 : Databases
- data types
- what is a Boolean and
- what is meant by a Alphanumeric data field,
- what is VALIDATION
Name the THREE different DESIGNS you have had to design for your solution (Answer: 1. Input = TABLES, 2. Input = FORMS/User Interface and 3.
Output = REPORTS/Mail Merges letter or similar
Online revision: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/dida/using_ict/databasesrev1.shtml
Text Book: READ pages 142 - 151
Section 3 : CONTROL and SENSORS
Practice Worksheet: http://www.teach-ict.com/gcse/software/control/tasks/worksheet3.pdf
Answers: http://www.teach-ict.com/gcse/software/control/tasks/worksheet3_answers.pdf
Text Book: READ pages 153 - 159 (we will also go over this in class)
Section 4 : The Internet
Actual EXAM question!!!!!!!!! (For a limited time only on this site):
All information on the Internet is SAFE and RELIABLE - Discuss [5 marks]
* may look authetic
* leads you to give personal information
* leads you to porn via links or some other inappropriate site with images
* phishing/fraudulent acquisition of personal data leading to indentity theft
* secure sites have padlock (https:)
* established online sites / ecommerce sites with good branding / brand names you can trust
* domains ending in .gov for advice and information
* Sensors send analogue data
* computers only use digital data
FIND SOME MORE POINTS on what SENSORS vs COMPUTERS DO!!!!!! (it's in the exam!!)
Also discuss advantages and disadvantages of email:
Guidelines/Example: Suniayita creates an email to send to her friend Ashurana. She sends it but then realises she has mentioned that she went out with Ashurana's boyfriend (nothing bad, just dinner, the movies and coffee...). Ashurana stares at her Sent Items box in her email folders - the email has been sent.....
* it was cheap for Suniayita to send the email (cheaper than a letter by post)
* she caould ATTACH a photo of her and Ashurana's boyfriend...
* she can forward copies
* letter writing requires time and thought - emails can be sent instantly - she can not retrieve this email easily - the damage is done!
* information overload - the average of emails in far exceeds what we can get in the post (unless you are Santa!)
Section 5 : Health and Safety
Online revision: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/ict/implications/3healthandsafetyrev1.shtml
Section 6:
The DPA / Copyright and Patents Act:
* software may not be copied ....
* software may not be used in PUBLIC performances .....
If you do copy software unlawfully you are stopping the payment of ROYALTIES to the righful owner/developer!
* READ you text book or revise from this site:
Section 7:
* Analogue is continually variable
* Digital data is ON or OFF
MODEL ANSWERS for the CGA (test) in NOVEMBER (some questions will be repeated in the exam!!):
* Illegal to knowingly distribute
* Intent to cause unauthorised chnages to computer material (e.g. damage to files, programs, etc)
* passed from file to file, and computer to computer
* they attach themselves to another program or file, unknowingly to the user
* because YOU can be the distributor of one that damages someone else's computer
* spread via portable storage media or by downloading from the Internet
* Unauthorized remote computer break-ins via a communication networks such as the Internet
* Primary purpose is to pry or even steel personal data
* A hacker is someone who wants to circumvent computer security in order to gain access to private files and data; they usually want to copy, steel or just look at the data
* your real name
* any contact details (address, email, telephone number)
* or any other personal information with your 'friends' in chat rooms
4. Online Application Forms
* fear of having their personal data open to anyone
tell them the site is secure (https - s=secure) and
tell them eBay, which is a registered company, would have to comply to the Data Protection Act
* fear that their identity would be stolen and used fraudulently
tell them that the DPA insists on data being kept secure
Means: modulator-demodulator
Does: encoding of data so that digital information can be used across an analog carrier and the same analog signal can be converted back into a digital format (i.e. modulation and demodulation)
Full definition:
The letters MODEM are taken from the words MOdulate and DEModulate. A MODEM a device for transmitting data between computers over telephone lines.
A MODEM modulates an analog carrier signal to encode digital information and then demodulates such a carrier signal to decode the transmitted information.
6. Data Types
Student Name = Alphanumeric (Text)
Student ID = Number (AutoNumber)
Address = Alphanumeric (Text)
Mobile phone = Alphanumeric (Text)
7. Email attachments
* Locate file / Browse to find file, right-click drop-down menu > select sned Email as attachment
* Select recipient(s) to send to (in the To: box)
* Select SEND / click on send button
* Create a new message
* Select the Attach icon/option and BROWSE to locate the file you wish to attache (open / select to attach)
* Select recipient(s) to send to (in the To: box)
* Select SEND / click on send button
8. One student to Many Games/Activities
9. Analysis; Design; Implementation; Testing; Evaluation
10. See example on Shared Area
Current Grade Assessment (October Test):
In this order: Student Number (number given out in class); Percentage % and Grade
175 72 B
167 52 D
164 96 A*
168 100 A*
176 100 A*
169 100 A*
177 100 A*
171 48 D
170 100 A*
172 52 D
165 64 C
178 80 A
173 84 A
166 72 B
180 100 A*
181 76 A
174 100 A*
182 32 F
Current Grade Assessment (September Test):
Pupil Topic/Title/Unit Percentage
175 CGA - Sept'09 5thFrm 83
167 CGA - Sept'09 5thFrm 57
164 CGA - Sept'09 5thFrm 65
168 CGA - Sept'09 5thFrm 70
176 CGA - Sept'09 5thFrm 74
169 CGA - Sept'09 5thFrm 78
177 CGA - Sept'09 5thFrm 70
171 CGA - Sept'09 5thFrm 0
170 CGA - Sept'09 5thFrm 87
172 CGA - Sept'09 5thFrm 48
165 CGA - Sept'09 5thFrm 57
178 CGA - Sept'09 5thFrm 70
173 CGA - Sept'09 5thFrm 17
166 CGA - Sept'09 5thFrm 74
180 CGA - Sept'09 5thFrm 52
181 CGA - Sept'09 5thFrm 70
174 CGA - Sept'09 5thFrm 0
182 CGA - Sept'09 5thFrm 0
Project 2 Assessment Sheet will be updated in due course
PrpRes = Prep Research (the very first prep that weas set)
PrpIntro = The first exercise - Introduction to Analysing the Games/Activities System
Org 2.1.1 = Organisation - introduction to your Organisation e.g. What is your DVD shop about...?
Probs 2.1.2 = Listing and explaining the Problems
CrrMtd 2.1.3 = Listing and explaining the Current Methods
HrdCpyPrf = Providing proof of the Current System (e.g. Member cards, scanned hard copies, etc)
URQS 2.1.4 = User Requirements
Qstnr = Questionnaire
dBFrmDes = Database MainMenu Form
Qstnr FldIn = Questionnaire filled in by your client (a classmate)
OAGrade = Overall Working Grade
Comment = Comment
What is an ICT System? - that's the title of your essay. At least half a page (font no larger than size 14 for ALL coursework!)
Some starting points...
"ICT and computers are not the same thing...."
"An ICT system is any business system that uses...."
You may use bullet points if you are not good at sentence construction, but rather try at least an opening, fluid paragraph first, before going into a bullet point list.